Kovacs Magyar Andrew has applied this special massage successfully for over 25 years and treated clients with great results who had
discus hernia, hip problems,
back pain, sciatica, scoliosis,
kyphosis, knee problems,
headache, tennis-elbow,
shoulder and neck pain.

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45 min



Kovacs Magyar Andrew has collected different types of adjustment techniques from several parts of the world and has used this special massage successfully for over 25 years and treated clients with great results who had:

⚜ discus hernia
⚜ hip problems
⚜ lumbago
⚜ scoliosis
⚜ sciatica
⚜ neck pain
⚜ shoulder pain

⚜ kyphosis
⚜ knee problems
⚜ back pain
⚜ headache
⚜ tennis-elbow
⚜ golfer’s elbow

We use this massage which affects 126 joints in the entire body and offer it to those who are open to it. Nowadays, almost without an exception, everyone has problem with their posture which can be solved with this treatment. This treatment releases the muscles and the nerve roots that may have been trapped. The wrong position of the joints and the trapped nerve roots can cause severe pain and in such case, it is necessary to apply this therapy for them to be adjusted in order for our system to function properly. All nerves that run through our spine connect our organs with the central nervous system; for example, nerves of the second thoracic vertebrae can be one of the causes of cardiac arrhythmia and high blood pressure and trapped nerve roots of the sixth and seventh thoracic vertebrae can cause indigestion and tympanites. We would love to ask people to take their health into consideration in order to lead a life that’s full of happiness and also to pay attention to the signs that are sent to them by their body. Last but not least, the way your body is, determines the way your soul is, and vice versa.



Harmony of soul